Fotoboka mi blir presentert på Preus FotoMuseum
Boka "I didn´t read your hints" som jeg gav ut ifjor sammen med Meggan Gould ble innkjøpt av Preus Museum og har nå blitt valgt ut til visning under Preus Museum sin uke med Fri Kunst og fokus på betydningen av kunstnerisk frihet.
Du kan se videopresentasjonen under her
My photobook is presented at the Preus National Museum of Photography
The book "I didn´t read your hints" that I published last autumn together with photographer Meggan Gould was purchased for the collection and library of the Preus Museum. It was recently selected for a presentation during the museums week dedicated to Independent Art focusing on the importance of freedom of expression in art.
You can see the videopresentation below, but it is only conducted in Norwegian.