Workshop 30/9 - 4/10 2019 - i Málaga, Spania

“Hva tar du bilder av?”
- Hvordan være mer fokusert når du snakker og tenker om din egen fotografiske praksis.

Denne workshopen vil hjelpe deg til å dykke dypere ned i ditt eget fotoprosjekt for å forstå arbeidet bedre. Vi vil fokusere på å diskutere deltakernes individuelle prosjekter mens vi går gjennom måter å utvikle nye idéer og måter å snakke om eget arbeid på. Gjennom praktisk øvelse og gruppe diskusjoner vil du både forbedre din egen fotografiske praksis og hvordan du presenterer arbeidet ditt for samarbeidspartnere og gallerister.

Workshopen dreier seg rundt en serie prosjektpresentasjoner med inviterte gjestfotografer og dine egne portfoliovisninger med disse fotografene. Sammen vil vi se på hvordan du kan utvikle idéene og prosjektet ditt videre øve på hvordan du presenterer arbeidet mer effektivt. I tillegg blir det hjemmeoppgaver som inspirerer til nye måter å tenke om arbeidet på og foredrag med tips og innføring i metoder som forbedrer arbeidsprosessen og vil ta prosjektet ditt til neste nivå.

Workshopen avsluttes med et åpent arrangement ved Apertura der deltakerne presenterer sine fotoprosjekter for et publikum .

Workshopen ledes av fotograf Stig Marlon Weston, med erfaring som fotokunstner, lærer og mentor.

Sted: Apertura Photo Centre, i Málaga, Spain
Lærer: Stig Marlon Weston
Tid: 30/9 - 4/10 2019
Míchelo Toro
Javier Hirschfeld
David Villalba
Opphold: Villa Alicia Guesthouse 29/9 - 5/10
Påmelding senest 1.sept for å være garantert rom på Villa Alicia.
Deltakeravgift: 12500NOK inkludert opphold (separat rom, delt bad), (+200NOK eget bad utenfor rommet), (+500NOK eget bad i rommet)
Deltakeravgiften dekker alle kostnader for workshopen og inkluderer frokost hver dag, felles lunsj hver dag og 2 felles middager (mandag og fredag).
Reise: Reise til og fra Málaga og hotellet organiseres separat av deltakerne.

Workshopen holdes på engelsk.
Maks 8 deltakere
****Du må være i gang med et fotoprosjekt eller serie du ønsker å vise og diskutere under workshopen.
-Alle deltakere må ha med både en digital og en fysisk portfolio på minst 10-20 printede fotografier de ønsker tilbakemelding på.
-For å gjøre hjemmeoppgavene under workshopen må du også ha med et digitalt kamere du ønsker å bruke og en bærbar datamaksin og annet nødvendig utstyr fir å redigere bildene dine og forberede din avslutningspresentasjon.

Påmelding innen 1.sept for å få en plass holdt av til deg.
Påmelding blir anbefalt etter en innsending av opp til 4 bilder og et par setninger som beskriver fotoprosjektet ditt og din fotobakgrunn,
sendt til:

STIG MARLON WESTON is a photographer, artist and manager at the studio collective CYAN studio in Oslo. Over the years he has developed his own visual and philosophical form of expression. In his opinion a well made photo project is just as much about the way the photographs are created and how the intention behind the work comes through, as what the physical subject matter is.

He comes from a varied background where he has been showing both at venues like the Norwegian State Annual Exhibition and Shoot Gallery in Oslo. As well as in Berlin and as a prize winning photo-artist in New York. He is currently working on an experimental photo project in the Amazon Rainforest, taking a closer photographic look at the scientific viewpoint of the natural landscape.

MÍCHELO TORO is a photographer and director of Apertura Photo Centre, in Málaga, Spain. He has been working and teaching photography for 25 years. After working as a professional advertising photographer he quit to focus on personal projects.
For the last ten years he has also worked as a curator on several projects, organizing exhibitions, photobooks, magazines, art fairs, etc. He regularly curates exhibitions at Apertura and elsewhere and is always trying to inspire and expand the photography scene in Málaga and the rest of Spain.

JAVIER HIRSCHFELD is a Spanish artist, curator, and Photo Editor, working mainly in London, Málaga, and Dakar. He studied History of Art at Birkbeck, University of London, during this same time, he developed his interest in portrait photography.
His work has been presented in Spain, United States, Brazil and France, As a curator he has worked with artists such as Omar Victor Diop, Eugenio Merino and Edouard Taufenbach. His photographic projects include, The Sheltering Pixel, Miguel de Moreno, and Once Ideal Senegal (Senegal 11 Best). Javier is interested, in the role and responsibility of photography in the representation of “one and the other”.
Javier is the Photo Editor at BBC Culture and BBC Future in London.

DAVID VILLALBA holds a Master's Degree in Teaching, has directed the Imagen Collective from 2008 to 2016, which holds the important task of training and disseminating contemporary photography. He is currently undertaking two Master's degrees in Artistic Professions and Artistic and Narrative Documentary Photography.
In his latest work, he tackles golf courses as devices that generate a displacement in the notion of territory and as an objectification of the landscape. The development of the project itself is understood as a testing ground to investigate new forms of photographic language. This inserts logics of painting, installation or performance.
David has been selected for different prizes and grants such as the IAJ Photography Contest, the artist residence of the Antonio Gala, and Foundation, Descubrimientos PHE.

“The workshop gave me a lot of feedback to take in and I have already improved the editing of my portfolio a lot.”
Andreas Helland - workshop participant

It was a very useful workshop that helped me develop my photo project further. I received several eye openers, useful feedback to lift my work and not the least a lot of inspiration.
The approach of the teacher to all the projects was very good and he gave a lot of himself.”

Solveig Grande - workshop participant

Place: Apertura Photo Centre, in Málaga, Spain
Stig Marlon Weston
Time: 30/9 - 4/10 2019

At 6PM Sunday 29th of September, we will meet up at Apertura for an informal introduction to the photo centre and a social meet up before the workshop program starts on Monday.

The workshop runs from Monday 30th of September to Friday 4th of October.
Every day will have a program starting at 10AM that runs to about 2PM followed by a social lunch.
The daily schedule will include talks and group discussions, presentations by guest photographers, portfolio presentations by each participant, and homework assignments for the next day.

The Friday 4th of October will also include an evening event at Apertura Photo Centre 7Pm to 9PM, where the participants are invited to present their projects to a public audience together with a presentation done by the workshop teacher.

There will be a group dinner after the first day of the workshop on Monday night and after the Friday presentation event at the end of the workshop.

Homework assignments will be challenging but not time consuming, and there will be ample time to spend exploring the town and the local sights.

This workshop will be held in the beautiful city of Málaga on the Andalusian coast of southern Spain. Connecting the workshop to the professional local and national photography community is important to us. We are excited to be holding the workshop at Apertura, a photo centre located in the historical part of Málaga.

The photo school and gallery Apertura are located in the centre of town next to the Plaza de la Merced, close to the Roman ruins and the Picasso Museum. With a busy schedule of workshops and classes, talks and exhibitions, Apertura is an important part of the thriving photo community in southern Spain. We will have our daily lectures and reviews there, and Apertura will also host the final public presentations of the workshop participants.

Workshop participants travelling to Málaga will be staying at Guesthouse Alicia, located in a 20th Century Villa located near the historic town centre and Apertura. This guesthouse is well situated, charming and reasonably priced. We have chosen the cozy guesthouse to be the central meeting point to spend shared downtime, late night terrace meetups and a beautiful view overlooking the city. Breakfast is included daily.

The capital of Costa del Sol dates back over 2800 years and is one of the oldest cities in the world. Located on the coast of Andalucía in southern Spain it is the southernmost city in Europe, boasting an average of 300 days of sunshine a year and orange trees lining the streets. Málaga retains the charm of a beachfront town and is also the site of both Phoenician, Roman and Moor ruins as well as being the birthplace of Picasso.
Málaga offers sunny days at the beach, long museum tours, historical walks, relaxing hamams, a wonderful food market with fresh seaside tapas and a vibrant nightlife in the historical centre.