Cum grano salis
Cum grano salis (-With a grain of salt) is a project made up of a dozen series of images that spring out of a frustration with the how the photographic medium is dependent upon the content of it`s subject. Working with the idea of the subject-less photograph and within the tradition of typological photography, the images´ lack of both independent and verified content is exposed.
Each series contains 12 images and studies the measurable variations in a single type of subject. All the images have titles describing this variation while quietly pointing at the amount of information not being conveyed within the pictureframe.
The 12 different series show subjects like an ounce of gold and the variations in monetary value over a year, the darkness of the night time sky photographed at different hours, cremated remains of people who have died at different ages in their lives, analog TV-signals on a screen and their given wavelengths, dust collected in the same space at different intervals, colours placed into the pantone system, the paper weight of different types of white paper, the light from lightbulbs of varying strength, empty space in homes for sale and the corresponding price, the ground and the local noise level, water heating up to the boiling point and the volume inside empty plastic bags.